Knowledge Exchange

Knowledge Exchange October
SSP/RSP Physical Activity: Local Area Marketing summary

The second Project Sharing session for 2016-17 was held at VicHealth on Thursday 27 October. The topic was Local Area Marketing, which is a crucial and ongoing area of development for sport programs.

The 40 attendees were treated to an excellent presentation from Mike Billing – Director of Captura Marketing – an experienced sports marketer who has worked as Marketing Director for Melbourne Storm, and also worked for the Sporting Shooters Association (Vic), the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games, 2006 Asian Games and Sport England. Mike focused on a framework to assist with Local Area Marketing planning – the 4 Ps (product, price, place, promotion) and 4 Cs (consumer, cost, convenience, communication).

Attendees were then divided in three groups if approximately 10 people to workshop ideas and share project information. Each group was led by the facilitators from Mad4Leaders.

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Healthy Choices:
Physical Activity:
Positive Feedback on Healthy Choices Guidelines Workshop
Clearninghouse for Sport: Sport Sector Knowledge Sharing

Case Study: Healthy Choices at Lara Pool
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SSP/RSP Physical Activity: Local Area Marketing summary

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