Available Grants
Sport and Recreation Victoria Grants:
For all Sport and Recreation Victoria Grants, please visit: https://sport.vic.gov.au/funding
Active Sport and Recreation Victoria Grants: | Funding: | Closing Date: |
The Significant Sporting Events Program helps sporting, community and event organisations to deliver significant sporting events in Victoria. $20,000 for Event Assistance Grants is available to assist with general operational costs associated with hosting events, $150,000 for Event Development Grants is available to develop or expand events, or for events with high operational costs and $20,000 for Strategic Event Planning Grants is available to State and National Sporting bodies to assist with the development of sport strategic event plans that seek to identify future events that could be hosted in Victoria. |
Between $20,000 and $150,000 | N/A |
The Country Football and Netball Program is delivered in partnership with the AFL, AFL Victoria and Netball Victoria. It provides funding to help regional football and netball clubs, associations and umpiring organisations to upgrade and develop facilities in rural, regional and outer metropolitan locations. |
Up to $250,000 | 30/09/2024 |
The Sporting Club Grants Program provides funding for community sport and active recreation organisations across Victoria, to help address barriers in participation, develop safe and sustainable practices and build social and active local communities. The program assists organisations to purchase uniforms and equipment that are essential for participation, first aid and safety, attract and build the capability to retain a skilled workforce – both volunteer and paid, increase equity, diversity and inclusiveness, implement good governance practices, increase participation of individuals and communities who participate less, create opportunities for Victorians to participate in ways that suit them, build a robust sector that responds to current and changing community needs and/or support athletes to achieve success in their sport. |
Four categories between $750 and $5,000 | 11/10/2025 |
The Emergency Sporting Equipment Grant program provides assistance to grassroots sport and active recreation clubs and organisations to replace or repair essential sporting and first aid equipment that has been lost or destroyed as a consequence of fire, flood, significant storms, theft or criminal damage. |
Up to $1,000 | 31/05/2025 |
VicHealth Grants:
For all VicHealth Grants, please visit: https://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au/funding
Other Relevant Active Grants:
Provider: | Grant: | Funding: | Closing Date: |
The Australian Government established the CDG Programme in 2013. The program will be delivered under Outcome 3: Strengthening the sustainability, capacity and diversity of our cities and regional economies including through facilitating local partnerships between all levels of government and local communities; through reforms that stimulate economic growth; and providing grants and financial assistance. |
Various | 30/06/2026 | |
Sporting Schools provides a program for all primary schools and a targeted program for Year 7 and 8 students in secondary schools which helps schools increase children's participation and opportunities in sport. |
Various | Ongoing | |
The Australian Sports Foundation operates the Fundraising4Sport program which assists the development of sport in Australia. Specifically, the program aims to increase opportunities for Australians to participate in sport and/or excel in sports performance. |
N / A | Ongoing | |
If you are an Indigenous Australian and require advice and / or assistance for getting your children into sport, please contact your Local Sporting Club or your Local Government Authority. For more information, you can contact Luke Isaacs, Manager | Aboriginal Programs | Sport, Recreation and Racing at the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions. |
N / A | Ongoing |
Sport Australia Resources:
Update on Sport Australia grants programs - as at 1 April 2020
Guide to supporting your grant application with strong evidence
Further Resources and Victorian Funding Opportunities:
City of Melbourne Grants and Sponsorships
National Sporting Organisations
State Government of Victoria - Sport and Recreation Grants
State Government of Victoria - Victorian Grants
You can also try contacting your NSO, SSA and/or RSA as they might have specific grants available or be able to assist with your funding.