2024 Victorian Sport Award Partners

AED Authority

AED Authority is a leading Australian supplier of automated external defibrillators (AEDs). Their mission is to improve the sudden cardiac arrest survival rate by getting more workplaces and community spaces to invest in these life-saving devices. An AED is a portable, easy to use machine that delivers a controlled shock to an individual experiencing cardiac arrest and is a vital link in the chain of survival.

Drawing on years of experience implementing AED programs, AED Authority assists clubs with every aspect of a successful AED program. From site assessment, device selection, monitoring and maintenance, to special Vicsport member packages.


AFL SportsReady

AFL SportsReady is a national, not-for-profit company dedicated to helping young Australians develop careers through traineeships and educational opportunities.

They have kick-started the careers of approximately 16,500 young jobseekers, including over 3,000 Indigenous Australians, and helped develop over 800 sporting organisations and other businesses across Australia in the past 27 years.


Bunnings Trade

Bunnings Trade is committed to being your dependable trade supplier and can provide the quality, quantity and service you need with the widest range of products, rapid estimating and quoting services from an experienced and knowledgeable local team. They can also deliver to your site on time and in full throughout dozens of locations in Victoria.

All Vicsport members as well as their affiliate clubs, associations and staff can now access a Bunnings PowerPass account, provided you have your own ABN. PowerPass can be used to access equipment and supplies to support your sporting club.



etrainu are forward-thinkers in online learning, offering an end-to-end solution for sports organisations of all sizes and levels. Their clean and user-friendly learning management system (LMS) can host custom-designed branded courses and practical in-person assessment options all under one roof.

The solutions include the development and delivery of Coaching and Officiating Accreditations, Safeguarding of children, Staff onboarding and Integrity training, as well as other topics of special interest to sports.



Locally focused. Nationally resourced. Internationally represented. Arthur J Gallagher is one of the largest risk management and insurance broking companies in the world. They offer specialist knowledge across a broad range of industry sectors and insurance risk categories, with a specific focus on sporting risk.

With more than 30 branches across all Australian states and territories, Gallagher delivers personalised local service backed by sport-specific insurance experts and global network of international expertise. To find out more, call 1800 SPORT 5 (1800 776 785)


Involve Group

Involve Group see creative design as a powerful business tool that will position your organisation, engage your audience, deliver your message correctly and ultimately, by being consistent, create an identity which will give you a return on investment and add to your bottom line. This thinking is at the core of everything they do for their clients.



Leasexpress is a specialised Fleet Management provider with all the experience and capability of a larger provider along with a focus on customer care. A three-way agreement between you, your employer and Leasexpress, a Leasexpress Novated lease is one of the most cost-effective ways to finance a car as it allows you to pay a portion of your vehicle's costs pre-tax, reduces your taxable income and therefore the amount of tax you pay.


Love the Game

The Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation works with communities and government to prevent and reduce gambling harm and provide support for those experiencing harm from their own or someone else’s gambling.

The Foundation's Love the Game Sporting Club Program partners with elite and community sporting clubs to disrupt the normalisation of gambling in sport and create safe and healthy sporting environments.


My Sport Live

My Sport Live provides an outlet for sports organisations and event promoters to stream live events on the internet. Designed to target sporting events around Australia, it provides an end-to-end service to take a sporting event into the living rooms and pockets of sports customers – live. "Sport is who we are. It is what we know. It is what we do."



As the leading company dedicated to the design, construction, manufacture, installation and maintenance of synthetic sports surfaces, Polytan is committed to making sport. Being a part of Sport Group – the world’s largest business dedicated to sports surfaces, Polytan and its customers benefit from the Group’s fully integrated global supply chain. This means Polytan delivers unmatched quality control and complete customer transparency. Their surfaces are made in Australia at their ISO certified manufacturing plant in Melbourne and are the only synthetic turf manufacturer to make yarn in Australia.



Since 1985, rebel has grown to become the leading retailer of sporting and leisure equipment, apparel and footwear in Australia. Today, rebel has over 150 stores across Australia and over 6000 employees. rebel have a genuine passion for a healthy lifestyle and providing Australians with what they need to achieve their sporting goals – both for mind and body. Sport takes us to a new, more positive state of being. It has the ability to transform the ordinary, everyday into something spectacular. With this belief, rebel would like to inspire, support and motivate all people to transform their lives using the power of Sport. SPORT IS CALLING.



revolutioniseSPORT is Australia’s most trusted online sports management platform with a mission to maximise the capabilities of sporting organisations. It is the cloud-based, management platform for sporting and member based organisations that improves administration by empowering users to simplify their day-to-day duties, maximise their community impact and focus on what’s important.


Southern Cross Trophies

Southern Cross Trophies has been a leader in the Trophy and Engraving industry for over 45 years. They offer the latest in design and engraving technology, whilst still maintaining traditional engraving skills. Southern Cross Trophies and Awards Corporate has supplied and designed awards for many of Australia's major sporting events and corporate clients including the AFL, Cricket Australia, NAB, Tupperware and Porsche.


Sports Accounting Australia

Sports Accounting Australia assists sports organisations in Australia with their finance and business planning, providing simple yet effective financial packages to suit the customer's needs. They are all about sports. They assist sports organisations in Australia with their finance and business planning and their customers are their partners, reaching the same goals together



The Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth) is a pioneer in health promotion – the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health. Their primary focus is promoting good health and preventing chronic disease.


Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme

Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme works with the government and partners to play a key role in transforming Victoria’s waste and recycling system. Motivated to help keep beverage containers out of landfills, they are creating clean streams of recycled materials to help build a circular economy in Victoria.


Victorian State Government

The Victorian State Government is the executive administrative authority of the Australian state of Victoria. As a parliamentary constitutional monarchy, it was first formed in 1851 when Victoria first gained the right to responsible government. The Victorian Sport Awards are run in partnership by Vicsport and the Victorian State Government.


Government Partners

Preferred Suppliers