Vicsport Youth Advisory Committee
From 2022-2023 the Vicsport Youth Advisory Committee (YAC), with the support of VicHealth, tapped into the voices of young people in order to gain a better understanding of how to engage youth in sport.
Consisting of a diverse range of eight people aged 16-24 from both regional and metropolitan areas of Victoria, the Vicsport YAC represents and amplifies the voice of young people in sport.
The YAC met monthly to discuss topics such as how to make sporting environments safer and more inclusive for young people in Victoria and how to provide the best sporting experience for themselves and their peers.
Following the development and distribution of a survey and through conducting interviews with their peers, the Vicsport YAC developed their Youth Engagement Strategy 2022/2023. This document covers their key learnings, actions for sporting organisations to implement, and key themes from the data.
Access the Vicsport YAC's Youth Engagement Strategy 2022/2023 below.
The Vicsport YAC launched the Strategy in July 2023, at an event that took a deep dive into youth engagement. Professor Rochelle Eime of PASI (Physical Activity and Sports Insights) also presented on the latest trends in youth sport.
You can re-watch the launch below.
Studying/Working: Currently studying at Seda College Vic.
Favourite sport: I have two, hockey and football. I've been playing hockey for as long as I remember. It's how my parents met, and we've been playing together as a family ever since. Football and hockey form my world, as they have literally saved my life.
Fun fact about yourself: I have a pet snake! His name is Spaghet and he is a Childrens Python. I have had him for around a year. He is very moody, but I love him all the same.
Goals for the future: My main goal for the future is a career in the sports development industry. I want to make the sporting community an inclusive and accepting place for everyone and provide opportunities and programs for everyone.
Why did you join the Vicsport YAC: I joined the Vicsport YAC because I've had great experiences in other YACs, such as at Regional Sport Victoria and Hockey Victoria. I've seen the impact a YAC can have on a community and wanted to have that same impact on a wider audience. I am extremely passionate about young voices in sports, and would love to create more opportunities in that space.
What are your aims with the Vicsport YAC: I hope the Vicsport YAC can work together to create more opportunities for young people in the sporting world. We are all young leaders who have stepped up to this incredible opportunity and we all know what it felt like to try and start out as a young person in this space. With the platform we have, it would be great to see our team working towards making the young persons leadership journey easier.
Studying/Working: I’m currently a uni student studying Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science/ Bachelor of Business (sport management) at Deakin University.
When I’m not studying, I’m working as a pool lifeguard and volunteering and training with my surf life saving club.
Favourite sport: I grew up swimming and was always around water so that is my favourite sport but I'd also love to try underwater rugby.
Fun fact about yourself: I really have no idea but it could be that I find black pepper to be quite spicy.
Goals for the future: A goal of mine would be to finish uni and then get into my desired field (whatever that might turn out to be), and to work overseas as a camp councillor.
Why did you join the Vicsport YAC: I want to make a difference for youth within a range of sports. I knew it would be a very exciting, rewarding and challenging experience that will allow me to meet a range of individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds.
I was on the Life Saving Victoria YAC, and after moving on from that, I thought working with VIcsport would be a new and advantageous experience.
What are your aims with the Vicsport YAC: I hope to see the YAC cause a change in the way youth view sport and how it can have a positive impact on their lives. I would also like to see an influx of older teens and young adults come back to sports across the state.
Favourite sport: I love netball and dancing – I’d love to try surfing or skiing/snowboarding.
Fun fact about yourself: I moved to Australia from the Philippines when I was 5 years old.
Goals for the future: I’d love to travel and experience other cultures, food and explore new places.
Why did you join the Vicsport YAC: I would love to input my lived experience of being involved in sport as a woman of colour and how sport has impacted my life in terms of making friends and learning life skills. Being involved in sport has helped me in so many ways throughout life and I would love to pass on my experience to encourage better youth engagement.
What are your aims with the Vicsport YAC: To utilise the diverse and unique voices of youth and for everyone to feel empowered to contribute helping community sport better engage with young people in the community.
Studying/Working: I am currently studying Medicine at The University of Melbourne and working as a research assistant at the Department of General Practice at The University of Melbourne.
In my spare time, I am involved in multiple steering committees where I sit as a youth or student representative.
Favourite sport: Soccer – this journey started when I was
six years old, kicking bottle cans on the sidewalks of my school and has grown
to become a passion I share with my closest friends. Whether watching my
favourite club (F.C Barcelona) on the big screen or having an indoor futsal
session with my friends, soccer has wiggled its way into my life. And it is
here to stay.
Fun fact about yourself: If you think my name is unique, then
I'll tell you that there's a similar pattern running in my family!
Goals for the future: I hope to build my leadership toolkit – to improve my communication skills while learning from the expertise of my fellow peers. I hope to develop my medical skill and knowledge and apply a population health lens to what I am studying through my work at VicHealth and Vicsport.
Why did you join the Vicsport YAC: I joined Vicsport because sports is a significant social determinant of health, and everyone should feel that they have the right to participate in sports. Sports have the potential to be diverse and inclusive, and therefore I hope to be part of that conversation for change.
What are your aims with the Vicsport YAC: It has been incredible listening to my fellow committee members' views, perspectives and lived experiences. Through our discussions, I hope we can elicit young people's needs and how sports can best support young people through their growth and development.
Studying/Working: Masters of Occupational Therapy at La Trobe University
Favourite sport: I've played many sports throughout my life but my favourites would be volleyball, squash and basketball.
Why did you join the Vicsport YAC: I joined the Vicsport YAC to ensure that young people are involved in the decision making process when it comes to sport.
What are your aims with the Vicsport YAC: I hope to be able to encourage more young people to get involved in sport and have the opportunity to receive the physical, mental and social benefits of community sport.
Studying/Working: I'm currently working on my PhD in chemistry, looking at new ways to understand neurodegenerative brain diseases.
Favourite sport: I've always loved swimming and netball and have recently gotten into water polo and ultimate frisbee. Not sure I can pick a favourite from them!
Fun fact about yourself: I
taught myself how to headstand in lockdown and can now do it on my paddleboard!
Goals for the future: My long-term goals are to become a researcher, hopefully living and working overseas at some point so I get to work with a wide range of people.
Why did you join the Vicsport YAC: I have a very keen interest in removing barriers to accessibility and participation in sports. Sport should be for everyone, no exceptions, and I believe that young people have the solutions we need to make this possible. Having this opportunity to communicate directly with Vicsport, with a group of like-minded and passionate individuals is something I am incredibly grateful for.
What are your aims with the Vicsport YAC: I hope that we are able to make ourselves and the communities we represent heard and can help in Vicsport's current efforts to create a more welcoming environment within sport by sharing our ideas and coming up with new strategies.
Studying/Working: I have just finished up studying at La Trobe University and have started working at Bowls Australia where I am the national social and school programs coordinator.
Favourite sport: I am a little bit obsessed with volleyball.
Fun fact about yourself: My surname is almost the same as my hobby!
Goals for the future: I would love to continue to work in community sport, the more I can benefit those at a local level, the better! A life dream has always been to go over to North America and be involved in the collegiate volleyball world, whether it be as a coach at some level or manage a program off court.
Why did you join the Vicsport YAC: I saw it as a terrific opportunity to give back to the Victorian junior sporting setup that has given me so much. Junior sport was an amazingly large part of my life as a kid and has guided me into my professional career. I also recognised it as an amazing opportunity to further my knowledge and connections within the sports industry.
What are your aims with the Vicsport YAC: I hope that the YAC can develop some recommendations for clubs and associations that will boost junior participation amongst underrepresented communities.