Forward Thinking Series - Sport Jam
The next Forward Thinking Series event is on Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 March. The aim of the event is to develop solutions to get less active Victorians more involved in sport and active recreation.
The 2-day Sport Jam is open to anyone employed in sport and recreation, fitness, leisure, education, health, innovation or other related industries. You will benefit by:
- Gaining first-hand experience applying innovation methods you can apply in your organisation.
- Strengthen your ability to provide greater value to potential participants in your sport.
- Working in a dynamic team to co-design innovative approaches to the delivery of sport and active recreation.
Want to know more?
You will commit to two full days working as part of a team, following a design thinking process, using your diverse skills and knowledge to develop applicable solutions to increase participation by less active Victorians. By the end of day 2 you will have ideas, models or prototypes which your team will pitch to the room.
We have met with senior industry leaders, including state level CEOs and national participation managers, to identify the key opportunities they would like to see addressed at the Sport Jam workshop. As a result, we will be working within the following four themes:
- Transitioning children from school settings into ongoing participation in community sport
- Exploring new models of collaborative approaches to engage less active people
- Positioning sport as the first choice in preventative health care
- Using creative play or gamification to build physical literacy in children
Each team will have a facilitator (team captain) and start with an opportunity statement based one of the themes above. Therefore, you will be able to choose which team you are part of, so that you can explore the theme you are most interested in!
You can read more about the 2017-18 Forward Thinking Series here.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Tom Dixon, Vicsport Participation Strategy Manager, on (03) 9698 8106 or
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