Knowledge Exchange September
Wimmera Regional Sports Assembly - Family Feud
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Knowledge Exchange December
AusPlay survey results released by Australian Sports Commission
The Australian Sport Commission (ASC) recently released the results of the Ausplay survey – a large scale national population tracking survey funded and led by the ASC. This is great news for the sport sector, as there has been a lack of up-to-date national participation data since the release of the ABS Sport and Recreation: A Statistical Overview, Australia in 2012 and the ASC’s Participation in Exercise, Recreation and Sport (ERASS) in 2010.
Knowledge Exchange September
Basketball - Walk don't Run
[row] [column md="6"] Walking basketball is the talk of the town – with a feature on Channel 10’s News Bulletin on 30 August and a viral video
Developing Healthy Choices Policy
In February, a Healthy Choices Workshop was run at the MSAC Sports House training room for the SSAs focused on developing policy guidelines