Governance, News, Organisation


Over two weeks ago, Vicsport released a new campaign to support Victorian Sport Organisations address gender diversity on their boards titled ‘Are You On Board?’

The response to the campaign over the last two weeks has been overwhelmingly positive. In addition to significant support via social media, the clip has been viewed almost 200 times via YouTube and website material viewed almost 250 times. Vicsport would like to take this opportunity to recognise the following organisations and the steps they have taken to address gender diversity on their board.

Cycling Victoria is pleased to support the 'Are You on Board Campaign' by Vicsport.

"We are committed to ensuring there is a broad representation of appropriate skills and experience on our board, coming from a range of backgrounds. Having a stronger presence of females on our board is critical to the long term success of our organisation” - Cycling Victoria President Glen Pearsall

"Our diversity is a key strength. Cycling Victoria is a forward thinking organisation, and in recent years we have been world leaders for cycling organisations in introducing policy and improving our governance." - Monique Hanley, CV Board Executive Director and Chair of the Women & Girls Commission

Regional Sport Victoria have undertaken an audit of all 9 Regional Sport Assemblies and identified 40% female representation across their organisations. Shane Hughan, Executive Officer Valley Sport and Spokesperson for RSV said “We have it tabled as a discussion item for the July (RSV) meeting. Collectively it’s great that we have 40% female representation but there’s still plenty to do in regards to maintaining and increasing this number, plus looking to raise the numbers of female board members who take on Executive positions within our respective orgs.”

Bowls Victoria Chief Executive, Graeme Bridge, stated that their organisation “is fully in sync with the principles developed in the Vicsport ‘Are you on Board’ campaign and we wholeheartedly support this initiative.”

Vicsport congratulates Cycling Victoria, Regional Sport Victoria and Bowls Victoria for their public statements of support. We welcome and encourage other organisations to contact us in order to highlight the great work that is being undertaken to address gender diversity on boards.

For more information about Are You On Board:

Supported by the State Government of Victoria

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