
2018 LGA Forums - Revamped

Historically, Vicsport has held a one-day LGA Forum, however this year we have split the forums into four individual events to give our members an opportunity to attend a forum that is specific to the wide variety of roles and needs within their organisation.

The forums are tailored to meet the needs of CEOs, managers and senior representatives from Victorian Local Government Authorities and will provide a platform for LGAs to discuss major sport and active recreation initiatives and issues relevant to councils.

The 2018 forums have been specifically designed to discuss big picture items including building partnerships between State Sporting Associations and local councils, securing major events, community engagement within councils to deliver sport programs and managing/negotiating contracts and leases.

If you’re working in a CEO, senior manager or sport development role within Council, you can’t afford to miss out on these unique events.

Information on each forum can be found here.

1) Locally-Led Delivery - 22 May, 2018
2) Attracting Major Events - 5 June, 2018
3) Successful Community Engagement Strategies - 28 August, 2018
4) Negotiating Contracts and Leases - 10 October, 2018

State Netball and Hockey Centre
10 Brens Drive
Royal Park, Parkville VICTORIA 3052

See relevant times for each forum.

LGA Members: FREE | Non-member LGA: $100 per person.

SPECIAL OFFER: Sign up today as an Local Government Authority member and receive access to all FOUR LGA Forums throughout the year.

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