Free Volunteer Management in Sport Toolkit
Given that an active volunteer workforce is critical to Australian sport, it is perhaps surprising that very few sporting organisations have a dedicated focus on volunteer management. Sports volunteers represent the power of volunteering in communities and individual lives.
That’s why Volunteering Victoria has developed a free sports specific Volunteer Management Toolkit to help clubs support their volunteers.
Imagine the cost if we had to pay for services volunteers deliver! Imagine sport without volunteers.
Download your free copy<> of Volunteering Victoria’s Volunteer Management in Sport Toolkit – a fully editable Word document with templates to help your club find, develop and support volunteers.
Sport at all levels in Australia is heavily reliant on volunteers for every aspect of its development and delivery.
Did you know…
* 2.3 million people in Australia volunteer in sport & recreation, that's 14% of 14% of the entire adult population! Without these volunteers, sport in Australia could not survive. * People who volunteer in sport & recreation have higher rates of participation * 80% of club administration is performed by volunteers * Over 165 million hours are contributed to sports each year by volunteers - 65% of volunteers volunteer weekly * Sports volunteers are committed - 92% of club sport volunteers are likely to continue volunteering in club sport in the next 12 months * More volunteers are out there! 23% of Australians say they were likely or extremely likely to volunteer in sport in the next 12 months Your Volunteers are #GoodSports - Help Them Be Their Best
Acknowledgements Volunteering Victoria gratefully acknowledges Sport and Recreation Victoria for providing funding support for these resources. Special thanks also to Sue Cormack from Leisure Networks Geelong and Regional Sports Victoria.The Volunteer Management in Sport templates are also available to download from ClubHelp.
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