News, Organisation, Industry, Awards

Pam Vincent: Hero of Hockey

At the 2016 Hockey Victoria Awards, Pam Vincent's decades of hard work and dedication to the sport of Hockey, and in particular the Women's form of the game were recognised, being awarded the Hero of Hockey Award.

Pam’s contribution to hockey has been significant. As a Life Member and lifelong supporter of the game, Pam and her late husband Don Vincent were pioneers and strong supporters of the women’s game, with the Women’s Premier League Best & Fairest Award being named after Don.

Pam started playing hockey as a junior in Broken Hill before moving South to Melbourne as she grew up. Pam has played, coached, umpired and administered the sport of hockey for over seven decades. Pam has never missed an Awards night, AGM or Grand Final.

"She is truly a legend of our sport" said Andrew Skillern, CEO, Hockey Victoria.

Pam is also a Life Member of Vicsport, having served on the Board for a number of years overseeing the strategic direction of Vicsport.

"Pam has been an amazing contributor to Victorian Sport over a number of decades. Vicsport is very grateful to have had someone of Pam's calibre serve on the Vicsport Board" said Mark McAllion, CEO, Vicsport.

Click here to see the full list of the 2016 Hockey Victoria Award winners.

Newly awarded Hero of Hockey, Pam Vincent with Hockey Victoria CEO, Andrew Skillern at the 2016 Hockey Victoria Awards

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