Heat and Extreme Weather Policy Consultation

Vicsport has been contracted by Sport and Recreation Victoria to undertake a review and make recommendations on Heat and Extreme Weather guidelines for sport.

Your sport has been identified as one which can provide valuable feedback as you

  • conduct a summer season or
  • conduct pre season training / activities in summer

Vicsport would like to invite you or your nominated representative to a consultation session on Tuesday 13th December, to be held in the Vicsport Boardroom at Sports House.

Discussion will cover existing practice and issues you face with dissemination of guidelines and their implementation, as well as what might work well in the future. An agenda will be provided before the meeting.

Vicsport has appointed Lynne Sheehan to manage this project on our behalf. If you have any questions about the project or the consultation session, please feel free to contact Lynne on lynneshe@gmail.com or 0412 398 640.

Tue Dec 13 2016, 3:00pm — Tue Dec 13 2016, 4:30pm
Register - Free (Member: Free)
Vicsport Boardroom, Level 3 Sports House, 375 Albert Road, South Melbourne

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