Earlier this year, City of Ballarat launched their Women and Girls’ Strategy which was developed following extensive community consultation about how best to guide future initiatives aimed at increasing female participation in sport and physical activity.
The strategy provides a tailored response to priority issues identified within the municipality that may be constraining women and girls involvement in sport or physical activity, either as leaders or participants.
Four ambassadors, who will play a key role in advocating for the inclusion and promotion of women and girls’ sport were chosen in the following focus areas: participation, culture and environment, infrastructure and media. The focus areas were identified during a consultation phase to help guide the City of Ballarat over the next four years on projects to be delivered.
Participation – Rochelle Eime, Associate Professor- Sport Participation at Federation University and Director of the Sport and Recreation Spatial program of research. Rochelle will help advocate for initiatives to encourage active participation, athlete pathways and data collection.
Culture and Environment – Sue Brown, Associate Dean – Engagement for the Faculty of Health. Sue will help advocate for initiatives that support women and girls in leadership and governance roles, positive female role models, club education, development and volunteer support.
Infrastructure – Rhonda Cator, Ballarat Badminton Stadium Manager and former Olympian. Rhonda will help advocate for equitable access to suitable facilities to support increased female participation. Rhonda is a former Olympian and represented Australia, as well as a current WestVic Academy of Sport Coach and a member of Ballarat Badminton Association.
Media – Bryley Murrell, Sales Manager, Radio Ballarat (3BA). Bryley will focus on promotion, exposure and positive messaging to motivate and change behaviours by increasing local media exposure and enhance positive messaging associated with women and girls sport and active recreation.
The 2018 Active Women and Girls’ Strategy is available to view online here.
Jasmine Richwol
Communications and Marketing Manager, Vicsport
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