Knowledge Exchange

Knowledge Exchange September
Healthy Canteen Road Trip

We are excited to organise a Healthy Canteen Road Trip to visit a real life canteen in a sports setting. The canteen is using the traffic light system to make healthy changes and still making a profit!

We understand for all the RSAs every session we have is essentially a ‘Road Trip’ and we are certain this one will be worth your while. You’ll have the opportunity to hear from the perspectives of the facilities manager and speak with the canteen staff on their successes and challenges.

The date is scheduled for 6 December with more details to follow soon.

Return to Knowledge Exchange or select your next article:
Healthy Choices:
Physical Activity:
Healthy Canteen Road Trip
Project X - Testing an untraditional format
Vicsport Staff Update

Outcomes of Nudge Resource Feedback Basketball - Walk don't Run
Program Resources SSP/RSP Physical Activity: Customer Experience & Journey
Calisthenics Victoria - Cal-Ability
Wimmera Regional Sports Assembly - Family Feud

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