Sportsview, Industry

Teens and sport: bridging the gap to boost participation

Last month, VicHealth announced that they have partnered with 19 sports under the new Growing Participation in Sport program to engage less active teens.

The program will deliver proven participation opportunities to engage less active young people (12-17 years) to become more active through sport.

Sadly, nine out of ten young people (12-17 years) are not meeting the Australian Physical Activity Guidelines of 60 minutes of physical activity every day. We also know that physical activity levels and sport participation rates significantly decrease during adolescence, as young people transition from primary school to secondary school and from childhood to adulthood.

VicHealth and Vicsport want to support young people to create good physical activity habits early in life. To do this, VicHealth has pledged to invest up to $6 million over the next three years (2018 to 2021) and partnered with a number of state or national sporting organisations to help boost participation levels of less active young people.

This program will have a significant focus on engaging young people who face health inequities, those who don’t engage in regular physical activity and those that aren’t interested in participating in existing traditional sport offerings.

WATCH: The video below highlights some of the barriers teens face in relation to participating in sport. Barrier such as part time jobs and keeping their social lives afloat are proving to give reason as to why teens are lacking in physical activity.

Find out more information about VicHealth's Growing Participation Program here.

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