Standard 7 - Empowering Children
Strategies to promote the participation and empowerment of children.
This Means:
Supporting children and young people to understand their rights, contribute to child safety planning and to raise concerns by:
- Valuing and respecting the opinions of children
- Encouraging child participation in decision making
- Establishing an environment of trust and inclusion that enables children to ask questions and speak up if they are worried or feeling unsafe.
Examples of how your organisation can meet this Standard:
- Provide child appropriate posters for display at club-rooms and facilities
- Ensure staff and volunteers receive training on how to engage and empower children on this issue
- Provide opportunities for children to provide suggestions and thoughts on what child safety means to them through a range of methods. This could include email, suggestion boxes and feedback sessions
- Provide children with child-appropriate and accessible information about what child abuse is, their rights and how they can raise any concerns
- Utilise a “junior committee” to provide input and feedback on your organisations activities generally, developing trust and a pathway for children to have their voices heard on a number of topics
You can support your members by:
- Displaying easy to understand, child-friendly posters and information (i.e. Vicsport Child Safe Posters)
- Ensuring children know who to speak with if they feel concerned or worried
- Ensuring children are listened to and believed if they raise an issue
Helpful Resources
Child Safe Sport Posters (Vicsport) | Child Safe Standards Posters (CCYP) |