Standard 5 – Processes for Responding and Reporting

Processes for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse.

This Means:

Putting in place clear procedures for responding to and reporting child safety concerns or child abuse, meaning:

  • Procedures for raising concerns and complaints are clear and can be understood by adults and children alike
  • Children know who to talk to if they are worried, and are encouraged to report unsafe behaviours
  • People within the organisation are aware of their duty of care and legal responsibilities, and know what to do to respond appropriately
  • Concerns and complaints are acted upon appropriately

Examples of how your organisation can meet this Standard:

  • Develop (or review) a process for reporting suspected child abuse that is clear and robust. Sports may find some of this information in current Member Protection Policies & Procedures
  • Distribute updated policies and procedures widely through your communication channels
  • Have at least two people within your organisation to assist with enquiries and complaints
  • Develop/adapt and distribute easy to follow information, such as posters and tip sheets, outlining who to contact if there are concerns
  • Provide clear access to easy-to-use reporting documents, such as a dedicated page on your website
  • Provide access to online training for committee members, staff and volunteers. The Play By The Rules website can assist with this

Important Notes:

1. Victoria has a Reportable Conduct Scheme to oversee allegations of child abuse and misconduct.The Scheme outlines requirements for organisations to respond to allegations of child abuse and may apply to some sporting organisations. Sporting organisations are encouraged to visit the CCYP website for more information:

2. Victorian law requires mandatory reporting by any adult who has a reasonable belief that an instance of child sexual abuse has occurred. Information on how to report child abuse can be found here:,-families-and-young-people/child-protection

You can support your members by:

  • Distribute updated Member Protection Policies
  • Develop and distribute easy to follow information about who to contact if there are concerns
  • Provide access to easy to use reporting documents
  • Provide access to online training for members and volunteers. The Play By The Rules website can assist with this
  • Have a central point of contact within your organisation to assist with enquiries and complaints. This may be your Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO) or a designated Child Safe Officer.

Helpful Resources

Child Safe Sport Posters (Vicsport)Child Safe Standards Posters (CCYP)

Government Partners

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