Seeking feedback from your local community, including people with a disability is a very useful exercise and one which your organisation should undertake regularly. Continue to seek feedback in regard to any programs/participation opportunities that your sporting organisations offer, to continue to make sure what you offer is a good quality inclusive activity.
The Office for Disability has a useful resource about creating accessible surveys. Click here (insert ‘Accessible Surveys’ pdf) to download it. You can also click here (insert ‘communication with people with disability’ pdf) to download their resource about communicating with people with disability.
You could use a free resource like Survey Monkey to help design and distribute a survey. The Club Help website offers three surveys that you can adapt to construct your survey:
Surveys can help you find out more about who lives in your local community, their general interests and sport participation levels. Use this information to identify relevant activities and opportunities for your sport to engage the community and make improvements to what you are already doing.