Currently VicHealth continues to work with Victorians to prevent harm from alcohol consumption, in line with the VicHealth Action Agenda for Health Promotion: 2016 update. The prevention of harm from alcohol is a key area within the Action Agenda which includes a three-year priority for “80,000 more people and environments that support effective reduction in harmful alcohol” and 10 year goal that “200,000 more Victorians drink less alcohol.” Linking with the Action Agenda is the VicHealth Alcohol Strategy 2016-19 which includes a three-year plan to de-normalise unhealthy drinking culture, reduce harm within vulnerable groups and increase policy.
With the support from Vicsport, VicHealth are continuing to assist organisations throughout Victoria to provide clubs with tailored advice, tools and resources needed to create sporting environments that promote the responsible use of alcohol. This online website aims to support actions to aid in protecting the health and safety of players, volunteers, spectators and community from risk factors associated with alcohol consumption.
Much of the information and guidance within this resource is based on the Good Sports program, which is backed by evidence-based research. Good Sports is a key provider of resources and external support offering an accreditation program on responsible alcohol consumption during the VicHealth Healthy Sporting Environments program.Across Australia, Good Sports has worked with over 800 clubs to create positive changes within clubs by creating a healthier club culture.
“Many clubs are already compliant and practicing responsible management of alcohol through Good Sports. It helps to put systems in place to reduce alcohol related problems, provide clubs with tools/ resource” (Healthy Sporting Environments evaluation)
Click here to become a Good Sports club and start promoting the responsible use of alcohol in your sport!
The following links provide further resources on alcohol management and prevention.
Department of Health: National Drug Strategy 2017-2026
Australian Guidelines to reduce health risks from Drinking Alcohol