Club Training: Inspires New Thinking

Leisure Networks assumed the role of Vicsport’s Preferred Supplier of Club Volunteer Education in August 2015. In that time over 500 workshop attendees have benefited from gaining new knowledge, shared ideas, and resources.

Workshops have been conducted across a broad range of topics including Future Planning, Finance for Treasurers, Your Clubs Future, Creating Sustainable Teams, Participation & Inclusion, Social Media 101 and Gender Equity – Respectful Relationships.

These workshops have been hosted across metropolitan Melbourne and the Barwon Region as requested by 8 different Local Government Authorities and 4 state sporting associations. From Frankston in the south to Craigieburn in the north, our team of quality presenters are working with us to ensure that all club volunteers have access to up to date knowledge and support.

More recently, Leisure Networks has partnered with Dianella Health and Hume City Council to deliver a project that goes beyond training. The project entitled “Let’s Play Together in Hume – Gender Equity and Respectful Relationships”, is designed to increase the number of women participating and being involved in sport and physical activity in the community by addressing gender inequity factors. Up to 5 local clubs will be involved. The program is tailored to club level and will include education sessions and governance and club environment audits to support the clubs in delivering their action plan. Club resources are provided to assist to increase female participation, inclusion, and safety, to embed gender equitable practices into their daily routines, and to promote respectful relationships. This will involve some all of the club training as well as 1:1 support in planning, governance and assessing current practices with a gender lens on.

For further information on the Leisure Networks Club Development Program, please contact:

Sue Gell

Coordinator Program Development

(03) 5224 9937

Government Partners

Preferred Suppliers