Good Governance - Resources
** Vicsport and Sport and Recreation Victoria would like to thank Tennis Victoria for their assistance in developing some of these resources.
There are a large number of organisations providing a wide variety of governance support, information, resources and templates. These are often available at no cost. Some have been designed specifically for sporting organisations, others tailored for NFPs and others specialising in specific areas of governance such as legal or risk management issues.
Australian Institute of Company Directors
The Australian Institute of Company Directors is Australia's pre-eminent organisation for directors, dedicated to making a difference in the quality of governance and directorship. The site has a NFP Director Resource Centre which includes “Good Governance Principles and Guidance for NFP Organisations” that is designed to assist boards in determining what constitutes good governance practice for their organisations and to achieve better outcomes through good governance. It examines ten principles that promote good governance and provides boards with questions for consideration.
Australian Sports Commission: Sports Governance Principles
The ASC Sports Governance Principles outlines the Australian Sports Commission’s position with respect to the governance of national sporting organisations. The document states the ASC position, including commentary and guidelines across six major principles; board composition, roles and powers, board processes, governance systems, board reporting and performance, stakeholder relationship and reporting and ethical and responsible decision-making.
BoardConnect provides services designed to support the boards of NFP organisations in Australia. BoardConnect provides a confidential helpline, board reviews, fact sheets, publications, news and events to support NFP boards.
The Club Help web site has been developed by Leisure Networks and Regional Sports Network Victoria to support Victorian Sporting Clubs. It contains a range of free information and resources for club volunteers, including a section on governance. The web site also contains a “Governance Club Assessment Tool” which clubs can complete online and receive a planning tool and suggested action list.Vicsport partnered with Leisure Networks to develop a Governance Toolkit for Leagues and Associations which is also available on the Club Help web site.
Consumer Affairs Victoria is a business unit of the Department of Justice. The Consumer Affairs Victoria web site outlines the responsibilities of registering and running Incorporated Associations which includes clubs and NFPs. It also contains information about how incorporated associations can ensure they comply with the new laws under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012.
Governance Institute of Australia
The Governance Institute of Australia (GIA) is an independent professional association with a sole focus on the practice of governance. The GIA offers a number of products and services tailored for NFP organisations. The site offers information on training including short courses and a “Certificate in Governance for Not-for-Profits” as well as “NFP Good Governance Guides” on various topics.
Institute of Community Directors Australia
The Institute of Community Directors Australia is the best practice network for the members of Australian NFP boards, committees and councils, and the senior staff who support them. An Our Community enterprise, the institute provides information, tools, training and qualifications for Australian NFP boards.
Justice Connect (Information Hub)
Justice Connect provides legal advice, information and training for NFPs. The site hosts a Not-for Profit Information Hub which contains an extensive list of relevant legal topics and resources for NFP organisations.
State Government of Victoria: Governance for Community Organisations
The State Government of Victoria has an online information centre for Victorian NFP community organisations. The content is published by the Victorian Government's Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). It contains a “Governance Capability Framework” which describes the broad capabilities required by people on Boards or Committees of Management in community sector organisations.