2020 Love the Game Volunteer of the Year

Presented by:

Nominations closed 5 March.

This award recognises a volunteer of the Victorian sport and active recreation community who has made a positive difference to the opportunities and experiences available to others over a long period of time, but in particular the year 2020. They could be a volunteer administrator, official, umpire or coach, who has provided support, encouragement or inspiration through hard work; often through self-sacrifice and without personal gain.


To be eligible to be considered in this category, the nominee must:

  • Be recognised by the club, State or National Sporting body
  • Not be paid for their volunteering activities (Note: reimbursement of expenses does not constitute payment)

Selection Criteria:

  1. Position held within the club/association/state sporting association/regional sports assembly
  2. The impact of the work completed within their organisation
  3. The impact of the work to the broader community

Selection Process & Voting:

For all information regarding selection and voting processes, return to the 2020 nominations information page.

Previous Winners:

2020 Richard Lawysz Athletics
2019 Athena Babo Football
2018 Elaine Duyvestyn Softball
2017 Alexander (Sandy) Frame
2016 George Halkias Football
2015 Peter Cullen Reclink Australia
2014 Beverley Gaudion Calisthenics
2013 Geoffrey McCraw Australian Rules Football

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